Sunday 15 July 2012

Lønstrup and Rubjerg Knude

Some days ago I visited Lønstrup with my friend Leonard. Lønstrup is a seaside village close to an edge of a cliff.

There is a very good shop in Lønstrup called Bo Bendixen. We took a very beautiful long walk to the remainings of a small church, which is hanging over the cliff. The church is called Mårup kirke. You can see that every year in the winter there are huge storms, the waves grow extremely big and crash agianst the cliff, so eventualy the cliff falls into the water (sea) and so slowly the remainings of the church will also fall into the water. We continued our walk from the church to Rubjerg Knude, which is also a desert but not as big as Råbjerg Mile, which I wrote about the other day. Rubjerg Knude graves a lighthouse. The lighthouse is stuck in the sand.

Rubjerg Knude with a light house buried in sand

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