Sunday 2 September 2012


Yesterday I visited Tivoli with my cousin, who came to visit from Moscow. I have already been in Tivoli about 20 times, but it was still a great experience. Tivoli is Copenhagen's biggest attraction park, it was made by Georg Carstensen in 1847. Tivoli has around 50 attractions. The scariest is probably The Dragon. The Dragon has about 10 loops and goes really fast. I have never tried it but I have tried one with 5 loops and two spins. My sister took her first ride on the Balloons. I also thought it was scary even though I am 9 and she is 1. 

There are restaurants and cafes where you can get ice-creams and other kids favorites. I recommend going there in the evening when there is lights all over and you get a feeling of being somewhere magic. I would say that any child visiting Copenhagen also has to go to Tivoli.

I really enjoyed it, so did my cousin. She is only 7 years old and not tall enough for some of the wilder rides where you have to be at least 132 cm or 140 cm. We were there on a blue moon night...
In the evening Tivoli gets really magical with a lot of lights.

Friday 20 July 2012


Today I visited Holmen. Holmen is an island close to Copenhagen. It is very easy to get to Holmen, you just take a water bus.
The yellow harbour bus sails around the harbour of Copenhagen and also stops at Holmen
You can have very nice walks in Holmen and can have a very delighful picnic. Holmen holds Denmarks biggest warship - the ship called Peder Skram. There is also a small boat close to Peder Skram called The Shark. Both ships are also museums.
Sælen is an old Danish submarine now out of the wather. You can get into it if you get there during its opening hours. I did not get in.
There is a very good view of Copenhagen on the other side of the harbour from Holmen.

I really enjoyed being there. I really recommend going there.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Lønstrup and Rubjerg Knude

Some days ago I visited Lønstrup with my friend Leonard. Lønstrup is a seaside village close to an edge of a cliff.

There is a very good shop in Lønstrup called Bo Bendixen. We took a very beautiful long walk to the remainings of a small church, which is hanging over the cliff. The church is called Mårup kirke. You can see that every year in the winter there are huge storms, the waves grow extremely big and crash agianst the cliff, so eventualy the cliff falls into the water (sea) and so slowly the remainings of the church will also fall into the water. We continued our walk from the church to Rubjerg Knude, which is also a desert but not as big as Råbjerg Mile, which I wrote about the other day. Rubjerg Knude graves a lighthouse. The lighthouse is stuck in the sand.

Rubjerg Knude with a light house buried in sand

Sunday 1 July 2012

Råbjerg Mile

Yesterday I visited Råbjerg Mile. It is the biggest desert in Denmark. It is one of the most sandy deserts in all Europe, it carries 3.5 million tons of sand. It is not just any ordinary desert it is a warndring desert, which means the sand moves around. The desert leaves a low, moist layer of sand behind it, trailing back westwards towards Skagerrak, where the Mile originally formed more than 300 years ago. Over 250,000 families visit Råbjerg Mile each year.
Every time I come to my summer house I visit Råbjerg Mile because there are huge dunes, which I can jump from. It really tickles when I jump of one of the biggest dunes! While in Råbjerg Mile, I have never said I am bored or I want to go home.  I really enjoy going to Råbjerg Mile.
There is also another desert close by, it is called Rubjerg Knude close to a city of Lønstrup, but this is for another time...

Friday 29 June 2012

Hirtshals Nordsøen Oceanarium.

Two days ago I visited one of the top ten attractions in Denmark. It is called Nordsøen Ocenarium in Hir-
tshals. It is a bunch of aqauriums and fun activities for kids. At 1 O`clock they feed the fish in the tanks. It is very interesting. There is a scuba diver in the tank.

There are some sharks in the tank but they only eat other fish. There are also the national Danish fish, the Klumpfisk (klumpfish) it is one of the biggest fish found in the Danish seas it can grow three metres long and weigh two tons.

There is a feeling pool where you can feel different animals.

There is also an outdoor playground and a seal tank. It is the biggest aqaurium in Europe it holds 4.5 million tons of water (alot). You can have a souvenier picture taken. They take the picture while you are playing a game. The game is about directing fish away from a shark but the shark pops up on the screen with an open mouth and it seems as if the shark ate you. I really enjoyed it however I think we should have stayed longer but my sister had to sleep.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Top 5 Minecraft songs

I like watching minecraft music videos. I have made a top five list of my favourites. It was really hard choosing it all very close.

Check out the songs below and tell me what is your favourite. You can vote on the right side of your screen.

1.TNT by captiansparklz. Enjoy. TNT won with 48 points.

2.Enderborn by blahblahblahgaming. Fabulous. Enderborn came second with 44 points.

3.Revenge by captiansparklz. Exiting. Revenge came third with 44 points.

Ender born and Revenge had a tie but enderborn came second because of the fabulous music.

4.Fallen Kingdom by captainsparklz. Exelent 43 points

5. Diggy Diggy hole by bluexephos. Outrageous 42 points

Monday 18 June 2012


I really like minecraft. But I am only allowed to play 2 hours per day! Minecraft is a creative game. It is made out of squares. You can make anything you want to. But when night falls you have to be ready. You have to have shelter,food,torches. Because then monsters will try to kill you.
If you dont have shelter you should have swords to fight away the monsters.

you have to mine for recourses that help you. You can find coal,stone,iron,lapis lazuli,redstone,gold,diamond,obsidian

Obsidian can be used for two things,1 nether portal 2 enchanting table

                                      NETHER PORTAL.
The nether portal gets you into another world filled with lava and unique enemys.

Enchanting is a way to power up your weapons by gathering xp. The more xp you have the better enchantments you can get. You enchant on a special table.

I really like minecraft. But I am only allowed to play 2 hours per day!



Wednesday 16 May 2012

Carlsberg Glyptotek

Some days ago I visited Carlsberg glyplotek. It is a museum of ancient sculptures of the  ancient romans, ancient Egyptians, ancient paloroma, ancient Mediteranean. Though I only visited the ancient egyptian section. There were many sculptures of the gods and pharoahs and priests (in ancient egypt priests worked in temples).There was even two real mummies(mummified ones). I thought it was fantastic.
There is a cafe in calsberg glyplotek which is lovely.You can have a delicious cake and a lot of other yummy things.

Just inside Glyptoteket there is a very nice indoor garden with this little fountain

Photos I took at Glyptoteket of Egyptian Artefacts

Fun fact!

Gods and godesess.
All egyptian gods are shown by animals.There are Hundreds of egyptian gods and godesess here are some of the more important ones. Amun re(pronouced ra) the god of gods,Atum The creator of the gods,Thoth the god of wisdom and writing and magic,Osiris the god of the under world,Shu(pronounced shoe) the god
of air, Nut the godess of the sky.

Monday 9 April 2012

Christianshavn playground

4 days ago I visited Christianshavn's playground. I thought it was extremely fun. There was a giant pyramid net, cable ride, obstacle course, football court, tennis nets, an area for bycicling, a playground for the younger children(½ year-6 years), table tennis, basketball court and a big rolling barrel. This is the only playground in Copenhagen with a cable ride and a pyramid net which I've seen so far. It is close to a big lake where you can go for a lovely walk. There are several picnic tables. There are nearby attractions of Christianshavn, which I will tell you all about later.

Christianshavn playground: pyramid net, cable ride, obstacle course

... on the top of the pyramid net

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Sorry I was not writing lately. Kids in Copenhagen are very busy – school, sports and all the after school activities. But good news is that I am back!

Star shaped island of Kastellet
Yesterday I visited Kastellet. Kastellet is the oldest still working military barracks .It is from the 1660´s. It is shaped like a star. Kastellet even has a prison, church, powderhouse, windmill and a commander’s house. The Church at the Citadel was built in 1704 in a baroque style during the reign of King Frederik IV. There is a 20 meter wide moat and a rampart all around Kastellet, where you can have a nice walk. You have a fantastic view of the city on the hills on the star shaped island.
The old windmill

... between the moat and the rampart

inside the Kastellet

View from the rampart towards Copenhagen. Kastellet is very centrally located

on the rampart

the church (to the left)

view towards Northern Harbour (Nordhavn) of Copenhagen from Kastellet

There is a playground on the other side of the rampart (by the Swedish Church). It is between the King´s bastion and the Prince´s bastion.
