Thursday 9 May 2013

Copenhagen Zoo after 67 years...

Today I went to Copenhagen Zoo with my grandmother. She says that the first time she was in this Zoo was 67 years ago and she had not been there since. Grandma said that the animals used to stay in cages. Now the animals have habitats like their home, but the brown bear still does not seem to like the place it is. She said that the only thing that has not changed is the Zoo tower.

There has come an Arctic ring since the last time I was there. The Arctic ring is a complex dedicated to Arctic and arctic animals. We saw a polar bear swimming in the Arctic ring. It was mind-blowing.

There has come a baby elephant. The elephant's parents are so protective of it. There is also a baby hippo. The hippo was sleeping while the mother was watching it kindly. There were very many new baby animals. All the parents of the animals where so generous and kind to their children.

1 comment:

  1. Your Grandma is not that old :-) It is only 57 years ago she was in the Zoo last time...
